Potential of Weaver Ant (Oecophylla smaragdina Fabricius, 1775) as Biocontrol Agent for Pest of Teak Stand in Wanagama Forest, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Weaver ant (Oecophylla smaragdina Fabricius, 1775) is an aggressive predator that can be used in controlling the pest of teak stand. The research was done to determine the potential of weaver ant to control termite and defoliator of teak stand. Predatory of weaver ant on termite was observed in Laboratory of Forest Health and Protection. The effects of weaver ant on the termite attack on teak trees and the level of teak defoliation
were observed. The results showed that in the laboratory study, mortality of termite was 100 % after 12 h of weaver ant presence. In the teak stand, the presence of weaver ant decreased the termite attacks and also the defoliation. The research indicates that weaver ant is potentially used as biocontrol of teak pest.

Keywords: Weaver ant, Biocontrol agent, Teak stand, Wanagama Forest, Teak pest

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