The Gene Distribution, Population Equilibrium, Effective Population Size of Pasundan Cattle in Village Breeding Centre at the Southern Part of West Java, Indonesia


Basic on Pasundan’s cattle population at the southern region of West Java, Indonesia contained in the Tegalbuleut sub-district Sukabumi district, Agrabinta sub-district Cianjur district, Cibalong sub-district Garut district, Sukaraja sub-district Tasikmalaya district, and Cijulang sub-district Pangandaran district. These zones can be used the breeding center of the village as an effort of animal genetic conservation in Indonesia. The aim of this research was to describe the gene distribution, population equilibrium, the effective population size’ Pasundan cattle at Village Breeding Centre zone from February to August 2016. The research method is a descriptive method, sampling technique use stratified random sampling, and to estimate the genotype distribution based on the albumin protein pattern. While the population structures were measured on the based population in it’s carrying capacity. The result of this research showed that the distribution of the blood albumin gene markers, there are three genes, namely  AlbA, AlbB, and AlbC, with the population equilibrium value has not been any deviation(X2 ≤ X20.05). While the condition of effective population size, including safe towards to the risk status, except at Cibalong sub-district Garut Regency. So, this condition can be concluded that Pasundan cattle population in the VBC had the diversity of high qualitative but may occur degradation of livestock genetic and may result in deterioration in the status of the population of both quantitative and qualitative aspects due to the declining value of the EPS, the conservation efforts made to repair the carrying capacity and the introduction of bulls in the population.

Keywords: Albumin protein pattern, Effective pop

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