Artificial Insemination on the Etawah Grade Goats Using Frozen Semen of Gembrong Goat


One of the efforts to conserve Gembrong Goats is through a crossbreeding with Etawah Grade Goats uses the artificial insemination (AI). This aim of the study was to find the result of AI using the frozen semen of Gembrong Goat on the Etawa Grade does. Eight heads selected Etawah Grade does age above 4 yr, weighted 32 kg to 57 kg and BCS 3–4 were estrous synchronized using 0.5 mL pgf2α hormone (lutelyze®) injected in intramuscular. The estrous observation was done during 60 h after synchronized by the histology epithelial cells of the vagina and the visual sign of estrous. AI was conducted after the onset of estrous through intravaginal. Gestation determined by transrectal ultrasonography (USG) on 50 d after AI. Descriptive analysis was applied in
the study. Sperm quality of the frozen semen shows that a good condition with motility and viability is 80 % and 85 %. All Etawah Grade does show the onset of estrous based visual signs, such as agitated, flicked the tail, the vulva was swelling, reddish and slimy. The observations of epithelial cells of the vagina to the characterized phase of estrous cycles. The result of the AI was not showed gestation after USG test, maybe caused by
inseminator skills.

Keywords: Artificial insemination, Estrous synchronization, Etawah grade goat, Frozen semen, Gembrong goat.

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