Traditional Game As a Way for Healthy in Bajo’s Children


Traditional games for children who live in urban areas was a significant activity. That was involved much physical activity and influenced psychological development in children. Generally, the traditional games were found in the low-income community and large area. The qualitative study described in this paper aimed to: (i) explore parents view about playing for their children; (ii) explore teachers view about academically benefit of the traditional game for students. Semi-structured, in depth-interviews, were interviewed conducted with two parents of Bajo’ Tribe and three teachers of the elementary school. The result showed that traditional games are important for children’s physical and psychological health (cognition, emotion, and social aspects). Implications for future will consider local wisdom based-curriculum in kindergarten and elementary school. Traditional games are important for student’s psychological health, as well as physical health.

Keywords: Bajo’s Children, Cognition, Emotion, Physic, Social, Playing traditional game.

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