Women Empowerment and Contraceptive Use in Nusa Tenggara Barat 2013


Women empowerment on decision making in term of women participation in economic, household and physical mobility decision making is considered affecting the contraception use. West Nusa Tenggara is the region that receives programme to provide a hundred percent of contraception equipment under procurement equipment and free medicine policy on the KB (family planning) care which is addressed to all reproductiveage couples and based on Head of BKKBN provision (Perka) number 78 / PER / E3 / 2011. However, according to Indonesia Health Demographic Survey (SDKI) in 2012, the number of Contraception Prevalence Rate in West Nusa Tenggara is still below of national achievement. This study aimed to examine the association between women empowerment and contraception use at West Lombok, East Lombok, and Sumbawa, in West Nusa Tenggara Province. Secondary data analysis was used based on Improving Contraceptive Mix Method project conducted by the Center for Health Research of the University of Indonesia in 2013. The sampling method used was probability proportional to size with a cross-sectional design. Samples were married women aged between 15-49 years old who were not pregnant which amounted to 6,613 respondents. The Chi-square test was used for statistical analysis). Women empowerment in the household decision making was associated with contraception use in West Nusa Tenggara where women who were empowered in household decision making were more likely to use contraception (OR 0.778; p-value 0.002). Therefore, improving women empowerment would be a good approach to increase contraception use.

Keywords: Women empowerment; decision-making; contraception use

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