Marketing Promotion Analysis in Medical Checkup Unit at PMI Hospital in 2011


The reason why this study has chosen was, the range of consumers in the medical check-up unit at PMI hospital has been decreasing in the last three years. This study is a qualitative study by an in-depth interview with two kinds of informants: public relation and marketing unit and costumes from a medical check-up unit. To strengthen the result of this study, observations and study of secondary data evaluated. The result of this
study shows that marketing promotion programs have a target that was not segmented, which all people from every level can enjoy it. PMI Bogor hospital decides to design their media by giving the responsibility to public relation and marketing unit. By media that wearied in four marketing communications unit, that was enough variations in using media which consist of the mouth of mouth communications, customer service, brochures, radio advertising, give vouchers, service packets, talk show, and soon. From the hall of the interview, information got that; customers were not touched too much by media promotions. Although not know much about developments mix, costumes give a positive response to the advertisements that done. But, to make the result of the promotions programs stronger, the writer suggests that public relation and marketing unit keep developing promotions mix that was done before by doing more deep of analyzing and use a different method of marketing promotions.

Keywords: Promotion; marketing; personal communications; advertising; marketing promotion; public relation

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