The Factors Correlated with the Number of Floor Germ in Nursing Room of Banyumanik Hospital, Semarang in 2007


Hospital as health care facilities also applies sanitation principle. One of the duty is to keep the floor cleanliness of the nursing room. The floor cleanliness level could be measured by the number of floor germ. The standard of the number of floor bacteria for the nursing room based on Kepmenkes No. 1204/MENKES/SK/X/2004
is 5-10 colonies/cm2. This research aimed to determine factors correlated with the number of floor germ of the nursing room in Banyumanik Hospital, Semarang, in 2007. This research was critical research with cross sectional approach. The sample of this research was 15 rooms from totally 18 rooms. Correlation test used a Pearson Correlation for standard distribution data such as the room’s temperature, room’s lighting, and the
result of waste. Spearman Correlation test used for abnormal distribution data such as the number of patients, number of visitors and room’s humidity. The resulst of this research showed: 1) average the number of germs was 20.43 colonies/cm2 ; 2) the number of patients 25 people; 3) the number of visitors was 197 people; 4) the average of room’s temperature was 30.71∘C; 5) the average of room’s humidity was 70.26 %Rh; 6) the standard of room’s lighting was 58.37 lux, and 7) the result of waste was 37 grams. From all factors, there’s only room’s lighting that had a significant correlation with correlation coefficient r = -0.802 and significant p = 0.018 (p<0.05), and the other factors did not have a substantial relationship. Room’s lighting was below the quality standards; it was necessary to repair the lighting system in the nursing room.

Keywords: The number of floor germ; hospital; nursing room

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