The Analysis of Health Policy in the Border Area of West Kalimantan Indonesia


The health status of the people in the border areas with low economic level, especially in rural areas, has not received equitable health services optimally due to geographical location, infrastructure and social factor. Also, the border area with vast areas is still found the lack of facilities and support of health services that will make people in the border area is still low in accessing health care facilities. On the other hand, the health workers who are not willing to be placed in the border area has a significant influence, and that’s lowering the community health status. Problems of inequality health efforts in the border areas are caused by the socioeconomic status of the local community such as poverty so that they can’t access the health services. This study aimed to analyze the implementation of health policies in the border areas in West Kalimantan, Indonesia. This study is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. This study is a literature study research. Health policy in the border area has not been able to overcome the problems of the spread of health workers in the border area. Policies on the health insurance system in the border areas are not distributed optimally. Policies on basic health infrastructure in border areas have not been equally distributed. Policies on referral transportation in border areas are not yet sufficient. The implementation of health policies in the border areas has not been fit for the purposes to increase health status for the community.

Keywords: Health policy; border area; West Kalimantan

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