The Role of Couple Discussion on Modern Contraceptive Used for Spacing Pregnancy (Analyzed of Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey/IDHS 2012)


The desired to have more child is higher among mothers who have one child, so they need contraceptive use for spacing the next pregnancy to avoid the risk of close pregnancy. Couple discussion about family planning is believed to be able to contribute the use of contraceptive, but the role of discussion with husband to encourage
contraceptive for spacing pregnancy was unclear. This study analyzed 8.359 from 45.607 of reproductive women aged 15 to 49 years old, data collected in Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS) 2012, who had married or living together and had one child that still lived because to do spacing pregnancy, at least mothers already had one child. There were 50.2% of mothers who had used modern contraceptive for spacing pregnancy. Mothers who discussed family planning with her husband was 1.61 higher to use modern contraceptive for spacing pregnancy than those who didn’t discuss, controlled by the level of mothers education, husband’s occupation, economic status, and family planning information source (Adjusted odds ratio = 1.61, 95% CI: 1.35 – 1.92). The couple discussion had a role to influence the use of modern contraceptive for spacing pregnancy. Thus, it’s not the only woman who had to involve in family planning and Behavior Change Communication targets to motivate couple to discuss, but also the husband.

Keywords: couple discussion, modern contraceptive, spacing pregnancy

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