The Determinant of Trash Management at Faculty of Health Sciences in a University in Banyumas Regency


Trash management is one of an effort to preserve the campus environment, so, it has to do right to avoid health problems. There are many factors that can influence the outcome of trash management on campus either directly or indirectly. This paper tried to discuss the five elements of management (men, money, materials, machines, and method) with the result of trash management at The Campus Faculty of Health Sciences (FIKes) on a University in Banyumas Regency. The type of research was descriptive-analysis with a quantitative approach and the design of the study of cross-sectional. Variables in this study were taken based on each aspect that existed in the five elements of management, they were the role of the leader, the role of cleaning officer, participation of campus community, condition of trash generation, adequacy of facilities, operational techniques applied, and the costs incurred for trash management in FIKes. Data of those variables were collected using a questionnaire consisting of 85 questions. The result of analysis bivariate showed there were only two variables that related with the result of trash management in the campus they were the condition of trash generation (p= 0.003) and sufficiency of means (p= 0.028).

Keywords: Campus, Result, Management, Trash

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