Theoretical Views on Mechanisms of Formation of Speech Act


The methodology of the modern logopaedic science becomes the expansion of knowledge through the study of the ‘internal speech patterns’ mechanisms and coming up to theoretical views on the role of some core transformations of speech system within the ontogenesis. The increase of understanding of formation process
of speech act becomes possible through the use of interdisciplinary approach and system analysis. The article outlines issues related to the possibility of studying the hypothesis proposed by the authors: speech functional system (SFS) results into the action in the form of psychosensorimotor (PSM) speech stereotype. The parameters of PSM speech stereotype in native language are being formed by the age of 6–7.
The functional system of speech act is considered in details: speech motivation, situational, auditory, kinesthetic, visual, and emotional afferentations, genetic and ontogenetic speech memory, afferent synthesis, etc. Special attention is paid to the speech fluency as an indicator of the rhythmic mechanisms formation of the
brain. The definition of speech fluency and its development in ontogenesis is shown. Stepwise and nonlinear character of speech fluency development in ontogenesis is experimentally proved.

Keywords: speech functional system (SFS), speech act, psychosensorimotor (PSM) speech stereotype, rhythm, speech fluency, ontogenesis, system analysis

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