Bryophyte Diversity of Calcareous Fens in the Bashkir Cis-Urals (Republic of Bashkortostan, the Southern Urals)


The bryophyte diversity of base-rich fens was studied in 16 calcareous mires of the Bashkir Cis-Urals (the Southern Ural region). Thirty-seven moss species and nine liverworts were recorded in treeless communities dominated by Schoenus ferrugineus, Molinia caerulea, small sedges and mosses. The annotated species list with precise locations is provided. Most of the surveyed mires are located in the northeastern part of the Bashkir Cis-Urals, that is, in the Mesyagutovo forest-steppe bordering with the western foothills of the Southern Ural Mountains. In the plain areas of the western part of the Bashkir Cis-Urals, calcareous mires are very rare and characterized by the low number of habitat specialists. Arctic-boreo-alpine species (Cinclidium stygium,
Paludella squarrosa, Palustriella decipiens, Pseudocalliergon trifarium, etc.) make up approximately 30% of the total bryophyte diversity of the surveyed fens. In the study area, these species grow in small isolated populations at the southern limit of the species range. Currently, only half of the surveyed calcareous mires are located within protected areas. It is essential to improve the protection of these unique habitats in
the study area.

Keywords: calcareous mires, base-rich fens, bryophytes, the Southern Urals

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