Hematology Analysis of Lead Exposure on Painting Workers (Case Study: Informal Automobile Painting Industries in Karasak, Bandung)


Lead is used as pigments in paint. Spray painting has been widely used in various industries, such as automobile painting. Exposure to dust and fumes containing lead compound needs a great concern of environmentalist who evaluates community in variety of occupational and environmental settings. This cross-sectional research analyzed lead exposure and hematologic aspect of informal automobile painting workers in Karasak, Bandung, Indonesia. Hematologic analytic used were Blood Lead Level (PbB), hemoglobin (Hb), hematocrite (Ht), erythrocyte count and basophilic stippling. The number of subjects was 30 male workers with particular criteria and 10 controls were used. Inhaled lead was analyzed by personal sampler and flame
AAS, using NIOSH method 7082 issue 2 (1994). Blood lead level was analyzed by flame AAS based on NIOSH method 8003 issue 2 (1994). The measurement showed that painting had contributed in lead exposure to the workers. The average values were 1.241 μg/m3 for lead exposure and 0.0026 μg/hour/kg BW for lead intake. PbB analysis gave result between 3.05 and 17.26 μg/100 ml blood. The result of Hb, Ht and erythrocyte count, respectively, were 11.4–16.2 g/dl, 34–51 percent and 3.89–5.77 x 106/mm. No basophilic stippling was found in peripheral blood slide. Subjects with low Hb, Ht, and erythrocyte count showed that lead in the occupational setting associated with hematology disorder, but not to acute toxicity, as there was no basophilic stippling detected.

Keywords: hematology, painting, lead, Blood Lead Level (PbB)

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