Health Risk Assessment for Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in Workers at PT. X


Cardiovascular disease is one of the leading causes of death and disability in the world. Cardiovascular disease in workers can decrease productivity and increase health costs incurred by the company for which they work. Based on the results of a workers’ health assessment by an EPC Company in 2016, some of the risk factors that can lead to cardiovascular disease were identified. Primary prevention begins with the assessment of the risks that can trigger cardiovascular disease. The aim of this research was to determine the risk levels and distribution of cardiovascular disease in workers at PT. X. The study used a descriptive cross-sectional design.
The data originated from the results of the workers’ health assessment in 2016 with 109 samples. Based on the Framingham risk score method, 87.16 percent of workers had a low risk of cardiovascular disease, 11.01 percent had an intermediate risk, and 1.83 percent had a high risk. From these results, it can be concluded that health
promotion and surveillance should be developed to prevent cardiovascular disease at the workplace.

Keywords: cardiovascular disease, health risk assessment, Framingham risk score method, occupational health

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