Evaluation of the Fulfillment of Business Continuity Management System Elements: A Case Study of Clean Water Provision and Services PT. XYZ in Indonesia


Every business organization is exposed to risks that can disrupt its continuity. Therefore, all organizations need an effective business continuity plan. However, many companies and organizations lack an effective business continuity management system or plan. This case study was conducted on a company that produces and
provides clean water services (PT. XYZ) in Indonesia. Many potential risks are posed by internal and external factors, such as disaster events that include fire breakouts, flooding, earthquakes, riots, and chlorine leakage, which may significantly disrupt PT. XYZ’s operations and threaten the safety of workers, the environment, and other conditions. The literature related to this study included guideline risk management standards, business continuity management system standards, research reports, theses, journals, and secondary sources. This descriptive study used observations and secondary data. The study examined the fulfillment of a business continuity plan in PT. XYZ, which focused on the assessment and control of potential risks, a business impact analysis, preparedness of the organizational structure, disaster recovery plans, a communication call tree, equipment, and the infrastructure needed during disaster events. The results showed that reliability level of PT. XYZ business continuity management was at a medium level. The results of this study could be used by companies and organizations to manage potential risks appropriately and achieve optimal recovery in cases of disaster or other interruptions to their business.

Keywords: business continuity management system, risk management, business continuity cycle

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