Evaluation of Benzene Exposure and S-PMA as a Biomarker of Exposure to Workers in the Informal Footwear Industry


Benzene (C6H6) is one of the most widely used chemical compounds in the world. Although its use has been limited, humans may be exposed to benzene in the natural and  industrial  environments.  Small-scale  footwear  industry  still  uses  adhesives containing  benzene.  The  benzene  profile  has  been  well-documented,  and  it  has been  classified  as  a  carcinogen  compound.  The  purpose  of  this  study  is  to  assess the  risk  of  benzene  exposure  in  the  work  environment  and  individual  exposure  in footwear factory in Ciomas, Bogor, West Java, during August–September 2017. Urine test  with  S-Phenylmercapturic  Acid  biomarker  was  performed  on  40  workers  and measurements  performed  simultaneously  at  9  air  sample  points  from  3  workshop locations  in  accordance  with  NIOSH  1501  method,  risk-level  assessment  through calculation Risk Quotient (RQ) and Excess Cancer Risk (ECR). The S-PMA subject has not exceeded the exposure limit (>25 μg/g) as Biological Exposure Indices (BEIs) with a  median  value  of  0.190  mg/g  (min  0.019–max  17.61).  The  results  of  the  air  sample analysis showed 8 sampling points below the TLV (Threshold limit values) of 0.5 ppm (1.6 μg/m3) and 1 point of air sampling has exceeded 0.5 ppm (1.6 μg/m3) of 2, 1074 ppm. the result of calculation of minimum cancer risk, it has been obtained that 13 workers  (32.5%)  have  cancer  risk  that  has  exceeded  the  reference  value  (ECR>1  ⋅10−4)  and  27  (67.5%) have ECR  <  1•10−4.  In  the  calculation of real-time  non-cancer risk, it has been obtained that 8 (20%) workers have had non-cancer risk (RQ>1) and 32 (80%) have RQ<1. The concentration of air and S-PMA of workers is still below the TLV, but considering the risk of cancer and non-cancer workers who have exceeded the reference value, it is necessary to improve the working conditions.

Keywords: benzene, S-PMA, risk assessment

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