The Influence of Caloric Intake to Work Fatigue of Nurses in Inpatient Care Unit RSU Haji Surabaya, 2015


Nurses in inpatient care unit had high work demands. The high work demands could increase work activities. Work activities could be done when our body has energy. The energy generates from daily calorie intake. When nurses had less calorie intake, it affects their health in several ways, such as work fatigue. Fatigue includes a condition with lower activities, motivation and physical fatigue. The purpose of this research was to analyze the influence of calorie intake on the work fatigue of nurses in inpatient care unit. This study was an observational descriptive study that applied cross-sectional design. The population was 27 nurses at IIIC and IVC room. Data were analyzed by using Ordinal Regression test. The results showed that 44 percent of respondents had sufficient levels of calorie as less than 90 percent which was proved that the majority of respondent classified in less calorie intake category. There were different levels of work fatigue for each respondent. The parameter estimates that the less calorie intake potentially cause work fatigue than the more calorie intake. Based on the findings, the result of variables indicated that there is an influence of calorie intake on fatigue and it could be concluded that the calorie intake is influential to work fatigue by 25.20 percent.

Keywords: nurse, work fatigue, physical workload, work shift, caloric intake

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