Cost Benefit Analysis of Residual Risk Control in General Engineering Department of PT PAL Indonesia (Persero)


One cause of the low impact of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) on the industry is the implementation due to cost, not as an implementation to save workplace accident. Because of that, we need a method to assess the implementation of OSH not only about cost, but also the benefit. One of the method that can be used is Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA). The objective of this research was to analysis CBA of residual risk in the Division of General Engineering of PT. PAL Indonesia (Persero) and provide the most favorable residual risk control based on CBA. The method was descriptive research. The result showed that the Division of General Engineering had been doing risk management starting from hazard identification, risk assessment, and risk control but still leaves residual risk that cause potential workplace accidents. Based on CBA, it showed that the three residual risk control programs, namely, OSH training, personal protective equipment (PPE) supply, and 5S implementation had NPV > 0 (positive) and B/C Ratio > 1. But, the highest B/C Ratio by 5S implementation. So, it can be concluded that the 5S implementation gives more advantages than the other options.

Keywords: cost benefit analysis, occupational safety and health economy, residual risk control

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