Social Enterprise Concept in Sustaining Fruit-Based- Processing Agro-Industry Development in Indonesia (Study Case: Fruits Up Social Business)


This research discovers that the model of empowerment of Fruits Up SMEs highlights the empowerment of fruit farmers in Ciayumajakuning village as well as the housewives in Bandung. Done from February to June 2016, it obtains a unique business model description with the social business platform. In the mapped out business model, it is found a host of advantages such as

(1) community interdependency, (2) technology mastery, (3) capital rise, (4) significant increase of investment, (5) strengthened collaboration, and (6) the improvement of social impact capable of being replicated in other enterprises. The method used in this research is that of analytical- descriptive with the design thinking approach as well as of qualitative and quantitative with the AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) method. Based on the results, the development of the enterprise’s process is highly affected by (1) community with the point of 0.216 out of 1, being the most valuable variable for the existence of the enterprise. It is followed by (2) university (0.178), (3) supplying farmers (0.153), (4)  business actors (0.128), (5) government (0.100), (6) distributor (0.092),

(7) technopreneurship laboratory (0.069), (8) banking (0.033), (9) NGO (0,031).


Keywords: Agro-industry, AHP, Business Model Canvas, SMEs, Social Business

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