Effect of Laserpuncture Shoot on Reproduction Point of Male Mojosari Duck (Anas Platyrhynchos) on The Numbers of Spermatogonium Cells and Seminiferous Tubules Diameter


The Objective of this research was to know the effect of laserpuncture on reproduction point of male Mojosari duck on the number of spermatogonium cells and seminiferous tubule diameter of the testes. This research using completely randomized design with eighteen male Mojosari ducks which divided into three group randomly. Group I (P0) without any treatment of laserpuncture, Group II (P1) with 0.2 J dose of laserpuncture, and Group III (P2) with 0.4 J dose of laserpuncture. Laserpuncture shooting was done on reproduction point with three days interval in one month. On the thirty-first day, the duck was dissected so that the testes can be taken then made by the histological slide of testes. The obtained data processed by Analysis of Variant (ANOVA) followed with Duncan. Research result showed that laserpuncture shoot on the reproduction point of five-month-old male Mojosari duck decreases the number of spermatogonium cells and seminiferous tubule diameter of the testes. 

Keyword: laserpuncture, Mojosari duck, spermatogonium, seminiferous tubule

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