Utilization of Sumbawa Tropical Forest Honey Apis Dorsata to Improve Fertility of Indonesia Oriental Magpie Robin (Copsychus saularis) as Effort Animal Population Increasement


The objective of this experiment is to observe the effect of forest honey produced by giant bees Apis dorsata on improving fertility and egg number of the bird. The bird which observed in this experiment is captive bird Oriental Magpie Robin (Copsychus saularis). Twelve paired captive bird in official captivity were transferred into new pairing cage and adapted along two weeks. Every bird was fed with crickets and normal ration mixed with low protein diet (LP) with 16% of crude protein gradually. After an adaptation period, twelve paired captive bird were divided into three groups T1, T2 and T3. Birds were treatened with honey solution 5%, 10% and 15% concentration series in 1 ml aquadest intraabdominal of 10 crickets and fed with 15 crickets and 20 gram low protein ration (16%) per day for two laying periods.  Egg production each group were calculated and observed its fertility among all egg production in one parental. In accordance with that, the results were analyzed descriptively. This pre-treatment, the bird’s mating behaviour becomes a week faster than the normal period. Bird’s fertility is also increasing with the provision of honey in the bird nutrition. In the bird’s pairs in cage’s number 9 and 10 have shown development by producing 3 fertile eggs after being treated with honey. In the previous period showed from 3 eggs only 1 being fertile. Honey has not been able to increase the number of eggs produced by birds. However, there is an enhancement in the animal population up to 25% of the 12 pairs of birds that are used as experimental samples in the captivity. The conclusion of this study shows that honey can accelerate the mating behaviour of birds and can increase the fertility of birds' eggs. However, honey has not yet affected the increase the quantity of the birds' egg. Longer observation’s duration with extra bird’s sample is needed for future research, in order to see the reproduction cycle of birds over several periods. Field research related to nutrition in chemistry nutrition’s fields related the active ingredient in honey that can affect the reproduction system is also important to conducted for further research.


Keywords: Oriental Magpie Robin; Eggs Production; Fertility; Mating Behaviour; Honey

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