Low Serum Cholesterol in Mice Pre-treated with Imperata cylindrica L. after Acute Olive Oil Gavage


Imperata cylindrica L. extract was studied for its effect on cholesterol absorption rate in mice (Mus muscularis). Male mice (20-25g) were divided control and pre-treated group. Pretreated group was further divided into two groups that received different dose of Imperata cylindrica L. extract gavage (90mg/KgBW and 115mg/KgBW) for 2 weeks. Mice were fasted 12 hour before acutely given olive oil gavage with dosage of 10 µl/g, and blood was collected at 0, 2, and 6 hour-time points on the indicated day. Blood was collected from the retroorbital plexus at indicated time points. Total cholesterol level was significantly (p<0.05) decreased in both pretreated groups at 6 hours after acute olive oil gavage. In conclusion, there is a significant effect of Imperata cylindrica L. extract to reduce cholesterol level in serum, suggesting its potential effect as an antihypercholesterolemia therapy.




Key words: Imperata cylindrical L.; cholesterol absorption; antihypercholesterolemia; lipid absorption; herbal medicine

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