Knowledge, Attitude and Behaviour of Farmer on Integrated Crop Management for Healthy Citrus Orchard (ICMHCO) in Gianyar District


One cause of low productivity and quality of citrus in Indonesia is not free of CVPD (Citrus Vein Phloem Degeneration) or Huang Lung Bin (HLB) disease in several citrus production centers. Integrated Crop Management for Healthy Citrus Orchard (ICMHCO) is a HLB control strategy consisted of (a) the used of labeled and free diseases planting materials, (b) pest and diseases control especially for the HLB vector, (c) good field sanitation, (d) optimum cultural practices, and (e) field management consolidation. The research objective was to determine the knowledge, attitudes and behavior of farmers in the control HLB. The research was conducted in the village of Pupuan, Tegallalang Sub-district, Gianyar District on August 2015, using a survey of 30 farmers of respondents. Data were analyzed descriptively uses the cross tabulation. The results showed that the knowledge of farmers on ICMHCO could be classified as moderate, relatively neutral attitude of farmers and farmers' behavior is low. Efforts should be made to improve the implementation of ICMHCO, among others, by increasing the availability of seed labeled and free of disease and other production inputs, training and institutional capacity building of farmer groups.


Keywords: knowledge; attitude; behavior; citrus farmer

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