Characteristics of Guava (Psidium guajava L.) Treated With Ozonation During Ambient Storage


Crystal guava (Psidiumguajava L.) is a kind of fruit which easily damaged due to various factors.  Without proper treatment, crystal guava will  had  physical  damages.  The  aims  of  this study were to  determine  the  differences  in  physical, chemical,  microbiological  characteristics, and pesticide residue  between  crystal guava treated and untreated in ozone.  Ozonation  process was conducted by using ozonizer TIP-01 at the  concentration of 1.1 ppm for 5 minutes, and stored at room temperature (25± 2 0C) observed for 6 days with 2 replicates.  The explanatory methods was employed followed  by t-test.  The  characteristics  observed  were  color lightness,  hardness,  vitamin  C  content,  moisture  content,  totally  microorganism, and  pesticide residue.   The  results  showed  that after storage  for  6  days  at   room  temperature,  the  ozone  treatment  reduced  the lightness, hardness, vitamin C content, totally   microorganism,  and  pesticide residue,  while  moisture  content  increased.

Keywords:  guava; ozone;  ambient storage

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