Information System As a Factor Determining the Development Vector of Modern Education


The information system is considered one of the paradigmatic coordinates of modern education. It is noted that education is one of the most important factors contributing to the successful solution of problems related to globalization, allowing us forming a citizen’s stable personal potential and self–defense skills of the latter as a carrier of certain cultural values in the information flow. The aim of the research is to study the information role in modern culture and in modern education. It should be noted that culture as a process of accumulation and translation of social experience determines the society progress and its intellectual and spiritual sphere. Education is the main socio-cultural mechanism that society uses to purposefully influence the course of its development. Education provides information and historical continuity of generations and security of continuity of this process. The research has revealed the importance of the information system in culture as a factor that is decisive in the modern education entire set of components formation. The information society is a civilization in the basis of the development and existence of which is a special non-material substance, conventionally referred to as “information”. This substance interacts with a person’s spiritual and material worlds. The latter is especially important for understanding the essence of the new social order. On the one hand, information forms the material side of a person’s life, as it acts as innovative technologies, computer programs, etc., on the other hand, it is one of the main means of interpersonal relationships and spiritual representations, which can be dynamically transformed and interpreted. Information begins to determine both the material existence and the socio–cultural reality of a person at the same time. The study has fixed that in the conditions of the information society, the most important task is to prepare a person for the perception and processing of large amounts of information, for mastering modern means, methods and technology of working with information.

Keywords: culture, education, globalization, information society

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