Sea and Coast Sustainable Management Strategy


Coastal and small islands (KDP) are faced with significant challenges owing to the risks of habitat destruction, changes in natural ecosystem processes, and pollution. Coastal areas and KDP are increasingly complex as conflicts of interest arise within communities and at government levels. Therefore, activities in this area must pay attention to balancing the needs and capabilities of the area in providing resources. This study aims to develop a management strategy for utilizing natural respurnces on a small, uninhabited island. The research was conducted through a descriptive evaluative survey method, using spatial analysis to get the suitability of waters and the carrying capacity of the area with the ArcGIS 10.3 application, while the management strategy uses the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) model. Ecological potential contained in the Journal of Regional and Rural Development Planning, February 2018, 2 (1): 1-22 I. Marasabessy, A. Fahrudin, Z. Imran & SB Agus 2 Nusa Manu Island and Nusa Leun Island are diving tours, snorkeling, mangrove tracking and beach tourism, grouper cultivation in floating net cages (KJA) and fishing ground. The potential of the two islands is suitable and can be utilized for various activities with priority being conservation-based marine ecotourism. This management strategy, can truly side with the people,

Keywords: Sustainable, Management, Small Islands

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