KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
Burnout, Self-efficacy and Work Satisfaction among Special Education Teacher
Published date: Nov 12 2018
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: The 2018 International Conference of Organizational Innovation (ICOI-2018)
The aim of this research is to find the correlation between self-efficacy, burnout, and work satisfaction of Special Education teachers. The dataset consists of 98 survey responses from Special Education Teachers in Surabaya, Indonesia, who were selected using random sampling technique. The results showed that self-efficacy had significantly negative effect on burnout and a significantly positive effect on work satisfaction, whereas burnout had a significantly negative effect on work satisfaction and self-efficacy had a significantly positive effect on job satisfaction with burnout as intervening variable in Special Education Teachers.
Keywords: self-efficacy, burnout, special education
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