Community Participation in the Program for the Use of Marine Space at the Department of Marine and Fisheries North Kalimantan Province


The success of the marine utilization program implemented by the Office of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of North Kalimantan Province relies heavily on community participation. This study aims to analyze the extent of community involvement in this program. Qualitative research methods were employed, and data sources included both primary and secondary data. The informants consisted of stakeholders directly engaged in the program. The study’s findings revealed that community participation in the marine space utilization program at the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Service of North Kalimantan Province is at the highest level, known as citizen control. This means that the level of community engagement surpasses both non-participation and basic citizen participation. The Office of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of North Kalimantan Province prioritizes utilizing its capacity to implement policies, programs, and activities for marine space utilization rather than solely relying on its authority. Furthermore, the relationship between the Office of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of North Kalimantan Province and the community, including community organizations, demonstrates mutual trust and collaboration.

Keywords: community participation, marine spatial utilization program

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