KnE Medicine 2023-06-23T07:46:18+00:00 Rekha Nimesh Open Journal Systems <p><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Click here</a> to register for new content alerts.</strong></p> <p>ISSN: 2519-125X</p> Analysis of Patient Satisfaction Levels According to the SERVQUAL Method on Post-Stroke Services at the Physiotherapy Clinic Muhammadiyah University Hospital Malang 2023-06-23T07:46:10+00:00 Sri Sunaringsih Ika Wardojo Rakhmad Rosadi <p>One of the primary services at the physiotherapy clinic of UMM Hospital is post-stroke rehabilitation. The hospital is fully equipped with the infrastructure that supports these services, including the availability of static cycles, IR, and diathermy. Post-stroke rehabilitation services have been conducted since June 2013, however, since the establishment of the clinic, levels of patient satisfaction have not been evaluated. Assessment of client satisfaction is important because, in the future, the clinic will be a place of reference for physiotherapy students about post-stroke rehabilitation and providing excellent service to clients. This study used the SERVQUAL (Service Quality) method which involves the assessment of the aspects of tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy, to assess the level of patient satisfaction with different services. The study was conducted on all patients who come to the clinic between March and May 2015. The sample size was 20 patients. We identified the patient’s expectations and perception of clinic physiotherapy at the clinic and compared it to the results of the SERVQUAL performance assessment. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the majority of respondents were unsatisfied with the services at the physiotherapy clinic, due to the limitations of the physiotherapists’ abilities, long waiting times for services, and lack of on-call physiotherapists. In addition, there are patient complaints about the lack of equipment at the clinic. However, patients were very satisfied with the safety and comfort of the therapy services, this is influenced by the abilities of qualified physiotherapists who are able to resolve complaints We suggest that the clinic needs to increase the number of physiotherapists in this clinic, and it is necessary to make updates to the existing physiotherapy equipment.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Service quality, physiotherapy, stroke</p> 2023-06-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 KnE Medicine Pain Management and Oxytocin Massage in Post-Cesarean Section Patients with Preeclampsia: A Case Report 2023-06-23T07:46:11+00:00 Henny Dwi Susanti Desta Handina Ekaningrum <p>Pregnant women with preeclampsia are advised to opt for a cesarean section. Cesarean section is a method of labor that in which the fetus is delivered through a place in front of the abdomen and uterine wall, provided that it is intact and the weight of the fetus is above 500 grams. This study aimed to find out how women with preeclampsia could manage pain and the effect of oxytocin massages. This paper is a case study on a 31-year-old female patient diagnosed with preeclampsia at Muhammadiyah Hospital Lamongan. After performing the Benson relaxation technique (in which the patient took deep breaths by silently saying the selected words (dhikr) for 10-15 minutes) showed that the pain in the abdomen was reduced to a scale of level 3 pain. After performing oxytocin massages the patient said the base started to come out and she can position the baby correctly while breastfeeding. Implementation of the relaxation technique and the oxytocin massage was in accordance with the existing data on the planning, namely pain management and oxytocin massage. The results of the evaluation showed that there was a decrease in pain and breast milk came out.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Pain management, Oxytocin massage, Sectio caesarea, Preeclampsia</p> 2023-06-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 KnE Medicine The Experience of Families Caring for Asthma Sufferers During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia: A Qualitative Research 2023-06-23T07:46:11+00:00 Yoyok Bekti Prasetyo Fikri Aji Pamadi <p>Familial support was essential to the care of asthma patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. It helps clients in making asthma care decisions. The purpose of this study was to explain the experience of families in providing asthma care and the effects of family care on the patient during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. This qualitative study was conducted using a content analysis approach on three families in East Java Province, Indonesia. Data were collected from the 3 families, using semi-structured interviews between 2020 and 2021. The subjects were all families in which some members had asthma. Sampling was done using the purposeful technique with maximum variation. Immediately after each interview, the content was transcribed using the Word software. The interviews were conducted with one individual at a time in the family’s home. Data were analyzed using the conventional content analysis method with simultaneous data collection based on five steps. The data analysis showed three main themes: family burdens and disruption when asthma relapsed, using a mask, keeping up stamina, keeping the mind relaxed, and staying away from crowds as an effort to prevent asthma, and pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments carried out by families. The burden faced by the family when the disease recurs can be curbed through the family’s taking anticipatory measures that involve cooperation between family members. The family also plays a vital role in limiting the patient’s activities when the disease relapses.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Family, Experiences, Asthma, Qualitative research, Covid-19</p> 2023-06-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 KnE Medicine The Difference Between the Effects of the McKenzie Neck Exercise and Contract-Relax Stretching on Neck Function of Onion Peelers with Myofascial Pain Syndrome 2023-06-23T07:46:11+00:00 Zidni Imanurrohmah Lubis Nabila Haya Faramida Ali Multazam <p>Many jobs have health risks caused by unergonomic posture while working for a long time. One of the disorders that often occurs is myofascial pain syndrome. If ignored, there will be a disruption in neck function. Contract-relax stretching can reduce the pain and spasm in neck muscles, while the McKenzie neck exercise can restore the cervical intervertebral disc to its normal position and reduce neck disability. This research aimed to determine the difference in the effect of contract-relax stretching and the McKenzie neck exercise on the neck‘s function in onion peelers with myofascial pain syndrome. The study was quasi-experimental with two groups: pre-test and post-test design. The population was onion peelers at CV. Anita Jaya Sukses, Sidoarjo. The sample was 18 respondents who met the inclusion criteria. Data weres analyzed using the Independent Sample T-test. Based on the test, contract-relax stretching and McKenzie neck exercise obtained a significant value of 0.011(p&lt; 0.05), so H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. The study concluded that there was a difference in the effect of contract-relax stretching and McKenzie neck exercise on neck function in onion peelers with myofascial pain syndrome.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Contract-relax stretching, McKenzie neck exercise, myofascial pain syndrome</p> 2023-06-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 KnE Medicine Factors Related to Diet Adherence in Diabetes Mellitus Patients: A Scoping Review 2023-06-23T07:46:11+00:00 Anggraini Dwi Kurnia Ismi Belqis Annisa Elya <p>Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a disease that causes increased blood glucose levels or hyperglycemia. High blood glucose levels can be controlled by following a diet program. Adherence to diet is one of the keys to stabilizing blood glucose and preventing complications. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the factors associated with dietary adherence in patients with diabetes mellitus based on a literature study of 12 journals. Journal searches were carried out on Google Scholar, PubMed, ScienceDirect, and ProQuest using the keywords Factors AND Associated AND Diet OR Dietary AND Adherence OR Compliance AND Diabetes Mellitus. The journals were then assessed for quality using the Joanna Briggs Institute and analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis. Based on the analysis, there is a relationship between intrinsic factors (age, gender, marital status, occupation, place of residence, education level, income/economic, family type, level of knowledge, BMI, duration of illness, perception, self-motivation, smoking, and family history of DM) of 71% and extrinsic factors (social support, family support, caregiver category, diet monitoring, and selection of food types) of 29%. Based on the results, it can be concluded that these factors are related to dietary compliance, so it is hoped that various nursing strategies can be designed to help people with diabetes mellitus improve their adherence to diets.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Dietary Compliance, Factors Associated, Diabetes Mellitus</p> 2023-06-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 KnE Medicine The Effectiveness of Acupressure and Fenugreek Therapy in Increasing Breast Milk Production in Postpartum Mothers: Literature Study 2023-06-23T07:46:11+00:00 Ririn Harini Henny Dwi Susanti Juwitasari . Eni Tri Wahyuni <p>Inadequate breastfeeding leads to a lack of nutritional intake by infants. Reduced breast milk secretion can be caused by psychological and physiological factors. Not getting enough breast milk can increase the risk of gastrointestinal infections, and obesity in babies. It can also reduce the level of intelligence of children, and increase infant mortality. This study was a literature review with a sample of 10 journals, including ScienceDirect, PubMed, and Google Scholar. The keywords fenugreek OR trigonellas OR Foenumgraceum AND acupressure OR shiatsu OR zhi ya OR chih ya AND feeding OR breastfeeding AND breastfeeding OR milk secretion AND breast milk OR breast milk were used. The exclusion criteria were publications that were older than 10 years, those with irrelevant titles, inaccessible full text, in a language other than English and Indonesian, had the incorrect population, not an RCT journal, was a case-control study, and a quasi-experimental study. The results showed that from a total of 10 journals, fenugreek therapy was found in journal numbers 1 (Egyptian), 2 (Iranian), 3 (Egyptian), and 4 (Indian). Increased breast milk production had a p-value &lt;0.005, but journal number 2 was considered the most effective as an increase in breast milk can be seen from the increase in variables in infants. Acupressure therapy in journals number 6 (Iranian), 7 (Indonesian), 8 (Indonesian) and 10 (Indonesian) was also equally significant in increasing breast milk production with p-value &lt;0.005, but in journal number 10, presenting ST points 17 and ST 18 which was done every 2 days for 2 weeks showed a significantly higher value. To conclude, fenugreek and acupressure both contribute to increasing breast milk production.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Fenugreek-1, Acupressure-2, Breastmilk Production-3, Postpartum-4</p> 2023-06-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 KnE Medicine The Effectiveness of Mind-Body Therapy on Reducing Anxiety Levels of Pre-Operative Patients: A Literature Study 2023-06-23T07:46:11+00:00 Muhammad Rosyidul Ibad Muhammad Ari Arfianto Zaqqi Ubaidillah Anugrah Bagus Putranto <p>Many patients experience anxiety before surgery. Complementary therapy with a mind-body therapy approach can be used to reduce this anxiety. This study aimed to provide an overview of the effectiveness of complementary therapy with a mind-body therapy approach in reducing anxiety in pre-operative patients. The study was a literature study of 3,324 articles. Following the selection process, 2 articles were found: Pubmed (n=9) and Portal Garuda (n=3). The articles were discovered using the keywords, mind-body therapy AND anxiety AND preoperative OR preoperation for international articles. Assessment of article quality was carried out using the Joanna Briggs Institute ( JBI) for Randomized Controlled Trials and Quasi-experimental. The study used a thematic method of analysis. Complementary therapy with the mindbody therapy approach had the advantage of being easy to apply and inexpensive compared to other therapies. Guided imagery, visual imagery, music and art therapy are alternative therapies that can be given to reduce anxiety levels in pre-operative patients.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: alternative therapies, anxiety levels, complementary therapy, pre-operative patients</p> 2023-06-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 KnE Medicine The Combination of Tera Gymnastics and Square Stepping Exercises on the Dynamic Balance of the Elderly 2023-06-23T07:46:12+00:00 Nungki Marlian Yuliadarwati Agus Setiawan Rama Manggala P <p>With increasing age, there is a decrease in the functions of the degenerative body, including a decrease in the functions of the musculoskeletal, neuromuscular, and cardiovascular areas, as well as a reduced ability to perform daily activities. One of the declines in musculoskeletal function is a decrease in muscle function which causes muscle fibers to shrink, causing a decrease in strength, muscle mass, and bone mass. This causes dynamic balance disorders in the elderly. To improve and maintain dynamic balance, a combination of tera and Square Stepping exercises is recommended for the elderly. This study aimed to determine whether there is an effect of the combination of tera and Square Stepping exercises on the level of the dynamic balance of the elderly in the elderly community at the Sasana Malang. This study followed a pre-experimental, namely One Group Pre-Test and Post-Test, design. 35 elderly people in the elderly community at Sasana Malang for 4 weeks were studied in this research. Timed Up and Go Test instruments were used. The results discovered that the Shapiro Wilk Test data was normal, Pre-Test was 14.2317 and Post-Test was 11.9480. Paired Sample T Test significance was 0.000, H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. A combination of tera and Square Stepping exercises for 4 weeks increases the dynamic balance of the elderly in the elderly community at the Sasana Malang.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Tera, Square Stepping Exercise, dynamic balance</p> 2023-06-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 KnE Medicine Relationship Between Using a Balance Bike and the Improvement in Balance Among Children 2023-06-23T07:46:12+00:00 Siti Ainun Marufa Natasya Anjani Atika Yulianti Nurul Aini Rahmawati Zidni Imanurrohmah Lubis <p>0-6 years old are commonly categorized as ‘the golden age period for kids. ’ During this time, development of the cognitive, motoric, sensory, language, and socio-emotional functions can be cultivated easily. The improvement of motoric skills is influenced by education and game. A balance bike is a fun game and sport that promotes rough motoric skills and improves posture stability. The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between balance bikes and the improvement in balance among children. We used a cross-sectional study design. 30 healthy children who have at least 4 weeks of experience using a balance bike, with no health issues and no disability in the lower extremity were recruited as study participants. We utilized the Y balance test to assess whether the dynamic balance among children is good or poor. As a result, 37% of participants played balance bike within 1 year, while 63% within 2 years. A total of 13% of participants had a very good balance, 80% had a good balance, and 7% had a moderate balance. Furthermore, balance bike use is significantly correlated to balance improvement among children (P&lt;0.000). We concluded from our finding that balance can be improved through functional activities, including games considering the participants are children.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: balance bike, balance, children</p> 2023-06-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 KnE Medicine Effervescent Tablets Formulation of Jicama (Pachyrhizus erosus) Extract with Various Concentrations of Binders and Sweeteners 2023-06-23T07:46:12+00:00 Dyah Rahmasari Didin Lingga Ludiana Randy Teja Permana <p>Osteoporosis is a major public health problem. Exogenous estrogen or Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is the potential therapy for osteoporosis. Still, the patient rarely chooses this treatment because of the risk of breast and endometrial cancer. Phytoestrogens or estrogen-like compounds, particularly isoflavones, are a potentially safe alternative to HRT. Jicama (Pachyrhizus erosus) is a plant that contains many phytoestrogens. This research aimed to determine the physicochemical characteristics of jicama extract in effervescent tablets with various concentrations of binder and sweetener. The manufacturing of jicama effervescent tablets used raw materials extracted from 96% p.a. ethanol by maceration. The extract is then formulated with various binder concentrations (PVP 40 and gelatin) and sweeteners (lactose and Mannitol) using the wet granulation method. Based on the test results on the physicochemical properties of tablets, all the formula meets the requirement of a good tablet, and the preferred formula is Formula 4 with 0.75% of PVP40 and 47,75% Mannitol. Ethanol extract of jicama can be formulated into effervescent tablets and has the potential to be developed as a treatment for osteoporosis.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Xicama Extract, Fitoestrogen, Estrogen-like therapy, Osteoporosis, Effervescent tablet</p> 2023-06-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 KnE Medicine The Effect of Islamic Music Therapy for Reducing Pain in CKD Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis 2023-06-23T07:46:12+00:00 Chairul Huda Al Husna Merlina Sari Zahid Fikri Muhammad Ari Arifianto <p>When patients with CKD are receiving hemodialysis, cannulation is frequently performed. For hemodialysis patients, recurrent pain during cannulation is a severe issue. Even though there have been many studies on music therapy, there are currently few on Islamic music therapy’s effectiveness in easing cannulation pain. The study aimed to determine the effect of Islamic music therapy in reducing pain in CKD patients undergoing hemodialysis. This study used a pre-experimental design. 61 hemodialysis patients at Wava Husada Hospital were subjects of the study. They were split into two groups: the Islamic music therapy intervention group and the control group. In this study, non-probability sampling was conducted. Inclusion requirements included being Muslim, receiving hemodialysis for CKD, using AV fistula access, and not being in critical condition. Following the intervention, the NRS pain scale was used to assess the level of pain in each respondent. This study discovered that the control and Islamic music therapy intervention groups experienced different levels of discomfort. This study’s P value was 0.001 (0.05) according to the Mann-Whitney statistical test. Based on the findings of this study, it can be said that using Islamic music therapy to treat hemodialysis patients with chronic kidney disease can help them feel less pain.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Islamic music therapy, Pain, Hemodialysis</p> 2023-06-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 KnE Medicine Exercises for Hamstring Tightness 2023-06-23T07:46:12+00:00 Dimas Sondang Irawan Annisa Khalifatul Husna Nurisa Fathoni Anita Faradilla Rahim <p>Hamstring tightness is a feeling that is often felt by futsal players, which can interfere with performance during playing. Previous studies suggest that stretching can solve it. However, feeling hamstring tightness is associated with weakness, so strengthening exercises are required to treat it. Strengthening exercises consist of concentric and eccentric exercises, which differ in the direction of muscle contraction. This study aimed to observe the effect of concentric, eccentric, and stretching exercises on muscle length, endurance, and power following hamstring tightness. 49 futsal players who experienced hamstring tightness participated in this study. Participants were divided into three groups consisting of Nordic Hamstring Exercise (NHE), Leg Curl Exercise (LCE), and control group (CTRL) - which only did stretching exercises. The exercises were carried out for 6 weeks, three times per week. The sit and reach test, Passive Knee extension test, Single leg bridge test, and Leg dynamometer tests were used to determine the changes in hamstring muscle before and after the exercises. One-way ANOVA was performed to compare changes between groups. All participants were found to be in the good category (28.78±5.53 cm) in sit and reach test and had low performance (39.13±16.77) in the leg dynamometer test before the intervention series. However, sit and reach test was shown not to be significantly different between groups (p&gt;0.05) as well as ROM. Single-leg bridging test and leg dynamometer significantly differed between groups (p&lt;0.05).This study suggests that feeling tight in the hamstring muscle is not correlated with muscle length. Concentric exercise increased strength more than eccentric and stretching. While concentric exercise increased the endurance of the hamstring muscle.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Hamstring, Stretching, Strengthening, Eccentric, Concentric</p> 2023-06-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 KnE Medicine Is the Duration Of Riding Vespas Related To The Risk Of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? 2023-06-23T07:46:13+00:00 Kurnia Putri Utami Arif Rahmatullah Safun Rahmanto <p>Vespa is a popular scooter vehicle in Indonesia. The Vespa rider tends to use their wrist in flexion and extension positions while driving, especially when pulling vespa gas, controlling the brakes, and changing the gears. This repetitive movement could affect the suppression of the median nerve and cause the risk of carpal tunnel syndrome. The observational, analytic descriptive design was used to see the relationship between the duration of a Vespa ride and the risk of carpal tunnel syndrome in Vespa riders. 50 respondents were chosen using purposive sampling with inclusion and exclusion criteria in the Vespa Motorbike community of Malang City. A Carpal Tunnel Syndrome questionnaire was used to assess the risk of carpal tunnel syndrome. The Spearman Test was used to examine the relationship between both variables. All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS. The normality test showed the failure of the number of rearing data (p&lt;0,05). The Spearman test revealed that both groups had a significant relationship (p=0,002). We concluded that there is a relationship between the duration of riding and the risk of carpal tunnel syndrome in Vespa riders.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Duration of riding, Vespa riders, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome</p> 2023-06-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 KnE Medicine The Relationship Between Family Support and Anxiety Levels in School-Age Children during COVID-19 Pandemic 2023-06-23T07:46:13+00:00 Nur Lailaltul Masruroh Nur Melizza Anggraini Dwi Kurnia Farah Dilla Yahya <p>School-age children felt anxious due to changes and new habits that were cultivated during the COVID-19 pandemic. They need family support to suppress and minimize anxiety. This study aimed to determine the relationship between family support and anxiety levels in school-age children during the pandemic. This was a cross-sectional study with a sample of 83 people (each a family member or a school-age child) determined by the Simple Random Sampling technique following inclusion criteria. The data were analyzed using the Spearman Rank correlation technique. The results showed that the majority of family support was high at 75 people (90.4%), the anxiety level of school-age children was mild at 76 people (91.6%), and there was a significant relationship between family support and anxiety levels of school-age children evidenced by the p-value of 0.003 &lt; 0.05 with the strength of the relationship ”quite strong” (correlation coefficient - 0.325) and the direction of the relationship ”negative.” Family support is one of the factors that can affect the level of anxiety in individuals in the family, including school-age children. School-aged children who get family support, in the form of informational, emotional, instrumental, and assessment support, will feel that they are cared for and loved which results in their self-confidence and self-esteem increasing. Individuals who feel this way will feel confident that they can master and overcome their problems.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Support, Family, Anxiety, Pandemic, Covid-19</p> 2023-06-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 KnE Medicine Objective Structured Clinical Examination Laboratory Learning Management for Nursing Students University of Muhammadiyah Malang 2023-06-23T07:46:13+00:00 Sunardi . Faqih Ruhyanudin Rahayu Puspa Anggraini <p>Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) is used at the end of the skill lab learning to determine students’ success in learning a skill taught by a lecturer. This research aimed to identify nursing student values regarding OSCE Laboratory learning in UMM Nursing Students. This research was descriptive. The sample of 2016 PSIK students in Classes A and B of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang in the BLOK KMB 1 course was 84 respondents. Sampling was done using value blanks from the OSCE results for the BLOK KMB 1 course. Data analysis used a univariate analysis test. The results showed that nursing students who took part in the OSCE had good average scores when viewed by category. The results of OSCE laboratory learning for nursing students in the 2016 BLOCK KMB 1 course were very good, where the distribution of average scores, grades by category, and grades and categories show that more students get ‘very good’ and ‘good’ grades.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Learning Outcomes, OSCE, Nursing Students</p> 2023-06-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 KnE Medicine Assessment of Dysmenorrhea using WaLIDD Score Instruments on Nursing Students 2023-06-23T07:46:13+00:00 Juwitasari . Rilen Dhea Erlita Tri Lestari Handayani Ririn Harini <p>Dysmenorrhea or menstrual pain is pain or cramps in the lower abdomen that occurs during menstruation in some women, experienced primarily at ages 18-25 years, ending at around the age of 40. The impact of dysmenorrhea can affect nursing students’ performance during class, causing concentration difficulties, anxiety, and psychological stress. The variety of respondents’ characteristics caused the different capacities to adapt to the dysmenorrhea sign and symptoms. Menstrual pain can be measured by the WaLIDD score, which consists of Working ability, location, intensity, and day of pain. This cross-sectional study identified the level of dysmenorrhea using the WaLIDD Score Instrument. This research was carried out starting October 11, 2021, with nursing student respondents from the 2019 and 2020 batches. The population in this study was 313 nursing students. The accidental sampling technique was used in this study, and as many as 180 female students who met the inclusion criteria participated. The analysis of 91 female students who experienced severe dysmenorrhea showed that most female students had severe dysmenorrhea based on the WaLIDD Score table. As many as 80 (44.4%) female students felt that, at the time of dysmenorrhea, their activities were disrupted. 64 (35.6% ) female students felt pain in four locations during dysmenorrhea. 83 (46.1%) female students at the time of dysmenorrhea felt the intensity was excruciating. 71 (39.4%) of female students felt dysmenorrhea for 1-2 days. Adolescent and young adult women often experience severe dysmenorrhea. Female students stated that dysmenorrhea constantly interfered with work activities, and many had more than four locations of pain.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Assessment, Dysmenorrhea, WaLIDD Score, Nursing Students</p> 2023-06-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 KnE Medicine The Effectiveness of Dysmenorrhea Exercises to Reduce Pain and Pain Duration During Menstrual Period 2023-06-23T07:46:13+00:00 Tri Lestari Handayani Dianah Putri Nur Tadah <p>Dysmenorrhea occurs when there is an imbalance of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. It is one of the lower abdominal cramps that almost all women experience during menstruation and is often experienced by women aged less than 20. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of dysmenorrhea exercises in reducing dysmenorrhea pain and pain duration during menstruation for students of the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Malang. This research design uses a pre-experimental design. The total number of samples used the slovin formula with the results of 92 samples. This research used the purposive sampling technique. The population in this study were 120 students of the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Malang. Analysis of the data was done using the T-test. The period of this study was one month and the measuring instrument used was the Numeric Rating Scale (NRS). The results of the study indicated that dysmenorrhea exercises have an effect on reducing dysmenorrhea pain and pain duration in students of the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Malang. Dysmenorrhea exercises can be done 3-4 times a week for a duration of 30-45 minutes. Through this research, it is hoped that it can be used as a reference or source for female students or young women in overcoming dysmenorrhea pain, in addition to using drugs, with non-pharmacological therapies such as dysmenorrhea gymnastics.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Dysmenorrhea Pain, Duration, Dysmenorrhea Exercise</p> 2023-06-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 KnE Medicine Peer Support and Anti-retroviral (ARV) Medication Adherence Among People Living with HIV/AIDS: A Cross-Sectional Study 2023-06-23T07:46:13+00:00 Edi Purwanto Isna Ratri Ramadhani <p>One of the supports that People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) can provide each other is the encouragement to take medicine. Medication adherence and not resisting therapy are very important for PLWHA to maintain their immune system, suppress viral replication, and improve quality of life. This study aimed to determine whether there was a relationship between peer support and anti-retroviral (ARV) medication adherence among people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA). . The study was conducted in August 2020. The research design used was a correlational study using a cross-sectional approach. The sampling technique used was total sampling. The respondents in this study were PLWHA who are at Cahaya Kasih Peduli AIDS Foundation, WPA Turen n = 45. The variables studied were peer support as the independent variable and medication adherence as the dependent variable. The data collection technique used was a questionnaireThe data analysis method used was the Spearman Rank correlation test using SPSS 25 with a significance of p &lt;0.05. From this study, it was found that 20 (44.4%) for good peer support, 25 (55.6%) for sufficient peer support 13 (28.9%) had high adherence to taking medication, 15 (33.3%) had moderate adherence, and 17 (37.8%) had low adherence. The results of statistical tests in this study showed no significant relationship between peer support and medication adherence to People Living with HIV/AIDS at Cahaya Kasih Peduli AIDS Foundation, WPA Turen, with a significance value of p-value = 0.313. It was found that there is no relation between peer support and medication adherence to PLWHA at the Cahaya Kasih Peduli AIDS Foundation, Turen. Respondents are always expected to pay attention to their medication schedule and be more active in socializing and providing mutual support to fellow PLWHA.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Peer Support, Medication Adherence, People Living with HIV / AIDS (PLWHA)</p> 2023-06-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 KnE Medicine The Effect of Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) Exercise on Blood Pressure Reduction in Hypertensive Clients: A Literature Review 2023-06-23T07:46:14+00:00 Zaqqi Ubaidillah Faqih Ruhyanudin Chairul Huda Al Husna Edi Purwanto Titik Agustyaningsih Henik Tri Rahayu Anis Ika Nur Rahmah Devilia Intan Anggraeni <p>Compliance with taking antihypertensive drugs is low amongst patients with hypertension. Uncontrolled blood pressure causes heart disease, kidney failure, diabetes, and stroke. It is necessary to have alternative support in controlling blood pressure by using progressive muscle relaxation exercises. This study aimed to determine the effect of progressive muscle relaxation on reducing blood pressure in patients with hypertension. The research design used was a literature study with a sample size of 20 journals: Pubmed (n=2), Proquest (n=4), Science Direct (n=8) and Biomed Central (n=6). By using the keyword search data “Progressive Muscle Relaxation AND Blood Pressure AND Hypertension OR Hypertensive” and using analysis techniques with thematic analysis, 95% of the results of the study reported that there was a decrease in systolic and diastolic values in hypertensive patients before and after the progressive muscle relaxation intervention and 5% reported that there was no change. Progressive muscle relaxation is effective for lowering blood pressure in hypertensive patients.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Progressive Muscle Relaxation, Blood Pressure, Hypertension</p> 2023-06-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 KnE Medicine The Life Diabetes Conversation Map Improves Control of Diabetes Among the Elderly: Challenges and Modifications for the Indonesian Community - An Integrative Review 2023-06-23T07:46:14+00:00 Henik Tri Rahayu Zaqqi Ubaidilah Anis Ika Nur Rohmah Faqih Ruhyanuddin Siwi Sri Widowati <p>The number of people who have diabetes has been increasing rapidly. Diabetes is a chronic illness that requires continuous intervention to prevent long-term complications and lower the financial burden of treatments. In the elderly, diabetes is linked to higher mortality, reduced functionality, and increased risk of hospitalization. Educational tools that cater to the elderly need to be used to improve the quality and outcomes of patient education among those with diabetes. This paper discussed strategies for improvement using the Life Diabetes Conversation Map in diabetes self-management education among the elderly with diabetes. We conducted a non-systematic search to find evidence from online databases using the keywords: diabetes conversation map, diabetes education, and elderly. Then, we discussed and conducted an integrative review of the Life Diabetes Conversation Map based on how it works, and the benefits and the feasibility or challenges for the Indonesian community. Our findings suggested that the Diabetes Conversation Map was an innovative patient educational tool that used interactive group participation to empower people with diabetes to become actively involved in managing the disease. The maps are a series of pictorial guides through which people engage in discussion and share their beliefs and their experiences of living with diabetes which has many benefits. Challenges for the Indonesian community included needing further innovation for proper language and cultural adjustment and integration into the Public Health Centers’ activities as a primary health care service. Along with these activities, elders could join cooking activities or regular aerobic exercise.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> self-management education, Diabetes conversation maps, public health center activity, elderly</p> 2023-06-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 KnE Medicine Volunteers' Experience as a First Responder to Traffic Accidents 2023-06-23T07:46:14+00:00 Indri Wahyuningsih Vita Amilia Rifa'i Indah Dwi Pratiwi Risa Herlianita <p>One of the primary services at the physiotherapy clinic of UMM Hospital is post-stroke rehabilitation. The hospital is fully equipped with the infrastructure that supports these services, including the availability of static cycles, IR, and diathermy. Post-stroke rehabilitation services have been conducted since June 2013, however, since the establishment of the clinic, levels of patient satisfaction have not been evaluated. Assessment of client satisfaction is important because, in the future, the clinic will be a place of reference for physiotherapy students about post-stroke rehabilitation and providing excellent service to clients. This study used the SERVQUAL (Service Quality) method which involves the assessment of the aspects of tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy, to assess the level of patient satisfaction with different services. The study was conducted on all patients who come to the clinic between March and May 2015. The sample size was 20 patients. We identified the patient’s expectations and perception of clinic physiotherapy at the clinic and compared it to the results of the SERVQUAL performance assessment. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the majority of respondents were unsatisfied with the services at the physiotherapy clinic, due to the limitations of the physiotherapists’ abilities, long waiting times for services, and lack of on-call physiotherapists. In addition, there are patient complaints about the lack of equipment at the clinic. However, patients were very satisfied with the safety and comfort of the therapy services, this is influenced by the abilities of qualified physiotherapists who are able to resolve complaints We suggest that the clinic needs to increase the number of physiotherapists in this clinic, and it is necessary to make updates to the existing physiotherapy equipment.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Service quality, physiotherapy, stroke</p> 2023-06-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 KnE Medicine The Effectiveness of Different Types of Massages on Sleep Quality in Hemodialysis Patients: A Literature Study 2023-06-23T07:46:14+00:00 Ollyvia Freeska Dwi Marta Erma Wahyu Mashfufa Lilis Setyowati Nur Aini . Nur Mazidah <p>Hemodialysis can cause disturbance in sleep. Sleep disorders cause immune system disorders and decreased sleep quality. Low sleep quality leads to poor quality of life resulting in premature death and negative impacts on the individual’s immune response which can lead to the development of cardiovascular diseases, which is the leading cause of death in patients with kidney disease. This study aimed to identify and describe the effectiveness of different types of massages in improving the sleep quality of hemodialysis patients. This was a literature study. We examined a journal that focused on massage therapy in patients undergoing hemodialysis. The observed variable was the sleep quality of hemodialysis patients. Data were analyzed using the qualitative descriptive analysis method. The results showed that hand massage therapy, foot massage therapy and back massage therapy were effective in improving the sleep quality of hemodialysis patients. However, massage therapy in the form of acupressure is less effective in improving sleep quality. Based on the results, aromatherapy massage therapy on the feet was the most effective. The most influential type of massage was massage using aromatherapy. Massages of the hands, feet, and back also affected the sleep of hemodialysis patients but only slightly affects the quality of sleep.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: massage, hemodialysis, accupressure, aromatherapy</p> 2023-06-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 KnE Medicine The Effectiveness of Exercise in Reducing Dysmenorrhoea Pain in Adolescent Women: A Literature Study 2023-06-23T07:46:15+00:00 Lilis Setyowati Ollyvia Freeska Dwi Marta Nur Aini . Erma Wahyu Mashfufa Machilda Putri Kinanti Henny Dwi Susanti <p>This literature study aimed to identify the effectiveness of exercise in reducing pain thresholds in adolescents with dysmenorrhea. A literature search on Pubmed, Research Gate, ScienceDirect, and Proquest, was conducted from March to June 2022. Stretching, Zumba, FITT, Yoga, Aerobics, and Physical activity were the exercises found in the journal, and the study population was devoted to adolescents. The research design was a Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) and Quasi-Experiment. The pain scale in the journal used the Visual Analogue Scale for Pain (VASP), Visual Analog Scale (VAS), MCGILL Pain, and the Numeric Rating Scale (NRS). Of the ten journals that were analyzed, exercise was the most effective in reducing pain threshold when adolescents experienced dysmenorrhea. Of the five kinds of exercise found when analyzing the 10 journals, the most effective exercises reduced pain score is 5.62.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Dysmenorrhea, exercise, Pain</p> 2023-06-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 KnE Medicine Mental and Emotional Disorders In Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic 2023-06-23T07:46:15+00:00 Muhammad Ari Arfianto M. Rosyidul Ibad Sri Widowati Nanda Putri Rahayu <p>Changes in learning methods during the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in increased stress in students which had a negative impact on their mental health. Stress causes physiological responses, negative psychological reactions, maladaptive behaviour, mental confusion and frustration. An overload of stress also stimulates other mental health problems including anxiety, hopelessness or powerlessness, depression and lack of self-esteem. This study aimed to determine the mental and emotional disorders in students during the COVID-19 pandemic. This was a cross-sectional study. 153 senior high school students in Malang Indonesia were selected by the random sampling technique to participate in the study. The variable of mental emotional disorder was measured with the PSC-17 questionnaire. Data were analyzed using SPSS. The result of this study indicated that during the COVID-19 pandemic, students in Indonesia experienced internalizing disorders (83.25%), externalizing disorders (2.61%) and attention disorders (21.57%). There were only 15.69% of respondents who showed no indication of a disorder. The results showed that adolescents had mental health struggles, especially internalizing disorder symptoms such as anxiety, sadness, gloom, hopelessness and inferiority.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: COVID-19 pandemic, student, mental emotional disorder</p> 2023-06-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 KnE Medicine Factors Affecting Coping Strategies in Post-Stroke Patients: A Literature Study 2023-06-23T07:46:15+00:00 Anis Ika Nur Rohmah Marlianti Muslimah Faqih Ruhyanudin M. Ari Arfianto <p>Strokes can cause disability and death. The disability experienced causes post-stroke stress syndrome, which results in maladaptive coping strategies. Coping strategies is important because it affects the patient’s outcome and recovery. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that influence coping strategies in post-stroke patients based on the results of a literature study. Journals from several databases such as Google Scholar (n=8), ProQuest (n=5), Science Direct (n=1), PubMed (n=1), and Springer Link (n=3) were selected. The data search used several keywords and conjunctions (AND and OR). Based on specified criteria such as journals within the last 5 years (2016-2020), in English, research articles, open access, and full text, post-stroke patient population, intervention, and comparison according to research methods, journal findings, and outcomes that discuss coping strategies. Journal findings were tested for quality using the adjusted JBI and analysed using thematic analysis. The results showed that several factors influenced coping strategies in post-stroke patients such as psychological (16%), social support (13%), self-ability (13%), sequelae (10%), spiritual (9%), stroke severity (9%), material (6%), dependence (6%), rehabilitation (6%), care (3%), gender (3%), lack of information (3%), and perception of disease (3%). Coping strategies for post-stroke patients that focus on problems and emotions.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Post Stroke, Coping Strategies, Patient</p> 2023-06-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 KnE Medicine Study of Propranolol in Cirrhosis Patients with Portal Hypertension: Research at Sidoarjo General Hospital 2023-06-23T07:46:15+00:00 Hidajah Rachmawati Sendi Lia Yunita Alief Brahma Rizki Indallah Didik Hasmono <p>Cirrhosis is the final stage of chronic liver disease caused by fibrosis which decreases the function and changes the shape and structure of the liver. Portal hypertension is an essential pathophysiology of cirrhosis, which can lead to an increased risk of death in patients resulting in very detrimental complications originating from portal obstruction of blood flow, such as cirrhosis or blockage of blood vessels. According to the EASL guidelines, non-selective β-blocker therapy such as propranolol can reduce portal pressure by reducing the portal venous flow through two mechanisms: decreased cardiac output and decreased splanchnic blood flow. This study aimed to determine the pattern of using propranolol in patients with liver cirrhosis in Sidoarjo Hospital. This was an observational study with a retrospective approach in cirrhosis patients with portal hypertension from 1st January 2021 until 31st December 2021. The Patient Medication Records (PMR) data was obtained from 15 male patients (68%), with the most age ranging from 56 to 65 years old (37%). The pattern of using single therapy was in 22 patients (100%). The highest use of single treatment was Propranolol (3×10 mg) with 12 patients (52%), Propranolol (2x10 mg) with ten patients (43%), and Propranolol (2x40 mg) with only one patient (5%). Interm of switching therapy, only one medication which is Propranolol (2x10 mg switch toPropranolol (2x40 mg).</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Propranolol, Portal Hypertention, Cirrhosis</p> 2023-06-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 KnE Medicine The Effect of Diabetes Exercises on Decreasing Glucose Levels in the Elderly 2023-06-23T07:46:15+00:00 Anita Faradilla Rahim Nungki Marlian Yuliadarwati Ismi Aulia Azizah <p>High blood glucose levels often appear after a person is over 45 years old in those who are overweight because their body has decreased sensitivity to insulin. Glucose levels that are not appropriately controlled for an extended period can lead to complications in the heart, brain blood vessels, leg blood vessels, nerves, kidneys and eyes. One of the physical activities that can reduce blood glucose levels is exercise. The study aimed to determine the effect of diabetes exercises on blood glucose levels in the elderly at risk of DM. The research design used a quasi-experimental with one group pretest and post-test to determine the effect of diabetes exercises on blood glucose levels and exercise on diabetes three times a week within four weeks. Exercises were done every two days with a duration of 30 minutes. Blood glucose levels were measured before and after the intervention of diabetes exercise. The measuring instrument used to assess blood glucose levels is a glucometer. The result of the Wilcoxon test was (p = 0.000), which means that exercise affects the blood glucose level of the elderly. Diabetic exercise for four weeks showed a significant decrease in blood glucose levels.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Blood Glucose, Diabetes Exercise, Elderly</p> 2023-06-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 KnE Medicine The Effect of Strengthening Ball Roll Exercise on the Static Balance and Flexibility in Children with Flatfoot at 4-6 Years 2023-06-23T07:46:16+00:00 Atika Yulianti Baiq Yunia Harlin Indarti Rizki Aulia Rahmadanti Siti Ainun Ma'rufa Zidni Imanurrohmah Lubis <p>Flatfoot is a condition in which part or all of the soles of the feet do not form an arch (longitudinal arch) as normal so that the soles of the feet appear flat and touch the ground. This condition makes the function of the soles of the feet as shock absorbers and as a support for body weight during activities, cannot work properly. This greatly affects the development of body components, including flexibility and balance. Flexibility and balance are needed when a person is active, especially at the age of 2-6 years which is a golden age in determining future growth and development. Pathology in the form of weak extrinsic muscles of the foot which makes the midtarsal joint unstable so that the foot looks pronated, besides that there is tension in the ligaments in the foot. Measurements of the wet footprint test, Clarke’s angle, Knee to Wall Test, and stork stand test. Strengthening ball roll exercises increased extrinsic muscle strength, and the application of rolling the ball can relax muscles that are experiencing tension.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Flat Foot, Flexibility, Static Balance, Strengthening Ball Roll Exercise</p> 2023-06-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 KnE Medicine Risk Factors for Anaemia in Pregnant Women who Take Iron Folic Acid Tablets in Locus Stunting Districts in Indonesia 2023-06-23T07:46:16+00:00 Yekti Widodo Prisca Petty Arfines Andre Yunianto <p>Controlling anaemia in pregnant women is carried out through iron folic acid tablets (IFA) supplementation. The IFA supplementation for pregnant women in Indonesia has been carried out for a long time, but the prevalence of anaemia among pregnant women is still high. The results from the evaluation of anaemia management of pregnant women in Locus Stunting in 2021, showed that the proportion of anaemic pregnant women is higher in pregnant women who have taken IFA. Therefore, analysis was carried out to identify risk factors for anaemia in pregnant women who had taken IFA. Data analysis was carried out descriptively, along χ2 tests and logistic regression. The proportion of anaemic pregnant women who have taken IFA was 39.8% while the proportion of pregnant women who have never consumed IFA was 33.7% (p&lt;0.05). The results of the bi-variate analysis of risk factors for anaemia in pregnant women who consume IFA were poor families, chronic energy malnutrition, and low consumption of meat, poultry, or fish. The results of the multivariate analysis showed that the risk factors for anaemia in pregnant women were those who have low family well-being, chronic energy malnutrition, second and third trimesters gestational age and low consumption of meat, poultry and fish.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: anemia, pregnant women, iron folic acid</p> 2023-06-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 KnE Medicine Nurses' Perceptions About Family Presence During Resuscitation: A Literature Review 2023-06-23T07:46:16+00:00 Indah Dwi Pratiwi Risa Herlianita Indri Wahyuningsih <p>In hospitals, family members of patients who need resuscitation attempts are usually taken outside of the resuscitation room. They are informed about the patient’s situation regularly by a team member. Nurses’ self-confidence is regarded as one of the most influential factors in accepting and implementing family presence during resuscitation. We wanted to see the perception and self-confidence of nurses about family presence during resuscitation (FPDR). Our research follows the guidelines of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA). We searched for articles in international databases such as PubMed and ProQuest from January 2020 to November 2020. Of the 219 articles discovered, seven articles were reviewed. Data extraction and analysis results found two themes: risk and benefits of family presence during resuscitation and promoting self-confidence.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Perceptions, self-confidence, family presence during resuscitation</p> 2023-06-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 KnE Medicine Health Screening of the Elderly Using Geriatric Mobile Apps (SIM Lansia) in Malang Primary Health Care 2023-06-23T07:46:16+00:00 Hartaty Sarma Sangkot Endang Sri Dewi Hastuti Suryandari Avid Wijaya <p>In the city of Malang, there are currently 109,368 geriatrics. However, Malang Primary Health Care (PHC) coverage of geriatrics screening remains low at the end of 2021 (26%). In accordance with the Malang District Health Office’s approval, Google Forms were used for the geriatrics’ data gathering. The purpose of this study was to analyse the difference in geriatric data coverage before and after using SIM Lansia Apps’. This study used a quantitative study design. The population in this study were all Malang city cadres with 57 cadres participating. There were two parts to the data gathering process: the first was to collect the geriatrics’ data after two months of app use, and the second was to conduct a Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) Test with 12 closed-ended questions to ask respondents about their opinions of using the SIM Lansia Apps’. The data was analyzed using the statistic Z test to compare the pre-app use and post-app use coverage data, and the TAM response was categorized using a Likert scale. After utilizing the app, the coverage of geriatric screening data increased by roughly 43.79% (May-July) using SIM Lansia, and the Z test indicated that this increase was statistically significant (P value = 0.000). Five dimensions of the TAM Test revealed that all respondents agree on Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, Attitude Toward Using Technology, Behavioral Intention to Use, and Actual Use of Technology in using SIM Lansia Apps’. The apps showed effectiveness and efficiency in increasing geriatrics’ data gathering coverage in every PHC in Malang City.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Geriatric, Cadre, SIM Lansia Apps, Primary Health Care (PHC)</p> 2023-06-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 KnE Medicine Correlation Between Age and Degenerative Diseases in Kendalkerep Primary Health Care (PHC) Malang 2023-06-23T07:46:16+00:00 Endang Sri Dewi Hastuti Suryandari Hartaty Sarma Sangkot Avid Wijaya A.A.I. Citra Dewiyani <p>Increasing life expectancy will increase the risk of degenerative diseases such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia and mental-emotional disorders in the elderly. This quantitative study aimed to determine the correlation between age and degenerative diseases. The independent variable was age and Body Mass Index (BMI) and the dependent variables were blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol. The population were pre-elderly and elderly in Kendalkerep PHC (8,629 elders). Researchers used 20% of the population as a sample (1,769 elders). The data collected was the elderly health screening data. Data collection was done through Google Forms. Data were analyzed univariate and bivariate to determine the correlation between age and BMI to the incidence of hypertension, hyperglycemia, and hypercholesterolemia. The univariate test showed that the majority of respondents were elderly (75.7%). 66% were female, 65.9% were classified as obese, 15.1% had moderate hypertension and 4.3% had severe hypertension, 13% suffered from hyperglycemia, 12.8% suffered from hypercholesterolemia and about 61.2% of elders had visual impairments. The Spearman test showed that there was a significant relationship (ά&lt; 0.05) between age and blood pressure, between BMI and blood pressure, between BMI and blood sugar, and between BMI and cholesterol. However, there was no relationship (ά&gt; 0.05), between age and blood sugar and between age and cholesterol. This study suggested that elders in Kendalkerep PHC should have further medical examinations to prevent further impacts such as degenerative diseases. However, improvement in ways of living is also suggested.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Age, BMI, Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar, Cholestero</p> 2023-06-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 KnE Medicine Prototyping an Online Patient Registration Based on a Smartphone App at the Malang Primary Health Care 2023-06-23T07:46:16+00:00 Avid Wijaya Hartaty Sarma Sangkot Endang Sri Dewi Hastuti Suryandari <p>Currently, the patient registration system at the Primary Health Care (PHC) in Malang City still uses a manual registration system with various existing problems, like the emergence of queues and patients jostling in the waiting room, so it takes longer for health services. This study aimed to design a prototype application for online patient registration at the Malang City Health Center. The method used is Research and Development Prototyping. The manufacturing stages start from (1) the identification of basic needs, (2) developing a working prototype, (3) using a prototype (trial), and (4) revising and improving the prototype. The instrument used in this study was an interview guide conducted with two Heads of PHC (Dinoyo and Rampal Celaket) and nine Registration Officers at two Health Centers to determine the need for designing a prototype online registration application. Observations were made regarding the existing IT systems (Hardware and Software) in both PHC, the facilities and infrastructure that support IT systems (rooms, internet networks, etc.) and the documents supporting the processes. The results of this prototype design were in the form of a list of functional and non-functional requirements, business process flow diagrams, data flow diagrams, Entity Relationship Diagrams, and Interface Design, including programming language and user interface. Based on the results of the online patient registration prototype design, it enters the initial stage of using a system design that is by user needs but has yet to reach the implementation stage. However, this prototype can be used as a reference in developing an integrated online registration system with existing information systems at the PHC.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Prototype, Online Registration, Smartphone, Primary Health Care, Patient</p> 2023-06-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 KnE Medicine Android-Based Family Support to Improve the Quality of Sleep Patterns in the Elderly 2023-06-23T07:46:17+00:00 Umi Hani Fery Agusman Mutoho Mendrofa Sonhaji . Kurniawan . <p>Ageing is often associated with sleep disorders. This study aimed to describe the effect of using an Android application on family support in the sleep patterns of the elderly. The study used a cross-sectional survey design conducted among the elderly to assess the use of android-based applications in identifying the sleep pattern experienced and the perceived-family support. The research sample was 98 people selected by convenience sampling and snowball sampling techniques. Researchers enhanced family support through an Android app. The mean value of sleep patterns before using the app was 4.25 and after using the app was 8.35. The correlation test showed that perceived-family support had a significantly strong correlation with sleep patterns with a positive correlation (correlation coefficient 0.779, p-value 0.001; Table 5). The higher the family support perceived by the elderly, the better their sleep pattern. The study concluded that the elderly at risk of dementia often experience disturbed sleep patterns. Families play an important role in helping the improvement of elderly sleep patterns. Android applications can be a technological innovation in increasing family support for the elderly.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: android-based application, sleep patterns, family support</p> 2023-06-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 KnE Medicine Identifying the Use of Indonesian Nursing Diagnosis Standards In COVID-19 Patients In Malang Private Hospital 2023-06-23T07:46:17+00:00 Erma Wahyu Mashfufa Ollyvia Freeska Dwi Marta Nur Aini . Lilis Setyowati Lizbeth Femmil Saputri Thontowi Djauhari <p>This study aimed to determine the number and name of the diagnoses that often appear in COVID-19 patients in 2020-2022 at RIC-19, one of the private hospitals in Malang, as seen from medical records. The method used was a descriptive retrospective with a quantitative approach. This study used secondary data in the form of medical records of patients diagnosed with COVID-19 in private hospitals in Malang from March 2020 to March 2022. The results found that there were eight nursing diagnoses including hyperthermia, ineffective airway clearance, impaired gas exchange, acute pain, diarrhoea, risk of ineffective cerebral perfusion, nausea, and risk of nutritional deficits. The nursing diagnoses that often appear in COVID-19 patients in private hospitals in Malang are the same as the results of the study according to Hidayati et al. (2022) which states that the nursing diagnosis “cleansing ineffective airway” is the most dominant. However, these results do not include the signs and symptoms of minor and major patients in detail. The findings above illustrate that the documentation of nursing care by nurses is still not optimal, not structured assessment of initial nursing performed by the nurse on duty affects the implementation of nursing care. This can be an input for hospitals to continue to improve quality in documenting nursing care in the future.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Standard Indonesian Nursing Diagnosis; COVID-19; Nursing care</p> 2023-06-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 KnE Medicine Differences in The Level of Learning Concentration of Grade V Elementary School Students Before and After Brain Gymnastics (Brain Gym) 2023-06-23T07:46:17+00:00 Ika Rizki Anggraini Nurul Aini . Sukma Marwah Sofa Freeska Dwi Marta <p>Concentration is an important aspect for children in achieving learning success. Low concentration will cause a fall in one’s learning outcomes. There are several methods that can be used to increase the concentration of learning in children. One of them is the Brain Gym method. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between Brain Gym and the increase in learning concentration of fifth-grade students at SD Plus Mutiara Sains Bangil. The design of this study used the Quasi Experiment Design method, namely the One Group Pretest-Posttest. The research sample was 35 respondents, which was taken through the purposive sampling technique. The research instrument used was one sheet of the Army Alpha Test regarding a row of numbers and a row of shapes or images containing 12 questions. Analysis using Wilcoxon test. The results of this study indicated a Z value of -5.182 with a significance value of 0.000 meaning a significance value &lt;0.05, it can be said that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. So, it can be concluded that there is a difference in the level of concentration of fifth-grade elementary school students before doing Brain Gym and after doing Brain Gym. The Brain Gym method can increase the learning concentration of fifth-grade students at SD Plus Mutiara Sains Bangil. Brain Gym can increase endorphins that make you happy, and can also reactivate the dimension of laterality, focusing, and concentration.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Class V Students, Brain Gym, Concentration level</p> 2023-06-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 KnE Medicine The Role of Organizational Culture in the Implementation of Personal Hygiene 2023-06-23T07:46:17+00:00 Rohni Taufika Sari Zaqyyah Huzaifah <p>Organisational culture is a system that continues to process in an organizational environment. The culture inherent in the organizational environment requires a long stage to become a thing that binds all elements in the organization. In nursing, organizational culture plays a vital role as a device that regulates the behaviors of nurses in carrying out their responsibilities. One of the most fundamental responsibilities is fulfilling the personal hygiene needs of inpatient clients. The c pandemic to post-pandemic conditions emphasized the need for personal hygiene as one of the essential items for the entire community and inpatient clients in hospitals. Implementing a right on target, effective and efficient personal hygiene is indispensable for a hospital to maintain service quality and increase client satisfaction. The extent to which organisational culture contributes to improving the quality of nursing services in carrying out actions to fulfil personal hygiene needs for clients needs to be investigated further. The results of this study can be a positive input for elements of hospital management to determine the direction of policies related to the implementation of nursing actions to meet the personal hygiene needs of clients. This study uses a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. Determination of participants using purposive sampling, the number of participants is seven people, and data collection using in-depth interviews. Three themes were identified in this research, namely (1) Support System; (2) Teamwork; (3) Motivation. The effectiveness of the implementation of PH for clients must be distinct from the individual elements of the nurses themselves and the most excellent support from hospital management, both in appealing to and providing the facilities needed to improve service quality.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Organizational Culture, Personal hygiene, Quality of service</p> 2023-06-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 KnE Medicine The Effect of Pregnancy Exercises in Reducing Anxiety in Pregnant Mothers in their Second and Third Trimesters in Pekauman Puskesmas, Banjarmasin 2023-06-23T07:46:17+00:00 Yenny Okvitasari Rizal Rifai Musphyanti Chalida Puteri <p>Pregnancy can result in physical and psychological changes that trigger uterine contractions to give birth prematurely, miscarriage and depression. The World Health Organization‘s data shows that 8-10% experience anxiety during pregnancy, and the number of pregnant women in Banjarmasin City in 2021 is 11,492. Prevention can be done with pregnancy exercises. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of pregnancy exercises on reducing anxiety in second and third-trimester pregnant women at Pekauman Public Health Center, Banjarmasin City. The research method used was experimental. The population of this study were all pregnant women in the Pekauman Health Center area. Sampling was done by purposive sampling technique, totalling of 30 pregnant women, 15 control groups and 15 treatment groups. Data collection using the HARS anxiety level questionnaire with the Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney statistical test with a p-value of 0.008 concluded that ”the hypothesis is accepted”. Thus there is a difference between the results of the intervention group and the control group on the implementation of pregnancy exercise. Pregnant women are advised to routinely do pregnancy exercises so that they can reduce anxiety levels and be better prepared to face childbirth.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Anxiety, Pregnancy, Pregnancy Exercise</p> 2023-06-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 KnE Medicine The Effect of Classical Music Therapy on Blood Pressure Reduction in Hypertension in the Elderly at Tresna Werdha Budi in South Kalimantan Province 2023-06-23T07:46:18+00:00 Muhammad Anwari Norlatifah . Bahrul Ilmi <p>Hypertension is an increase in blood pressure. Management of high blood pressure can be carried out with pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies. Pharmacological therapy is reducing stress by listening to classical music. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of classical music therapy on reducing blood pressure in the elderly with hypertension. The research design was pre-test experimental with a one-group pre-test and post-test design approach. The population was all elderly people with hypertension at the Tresna Werdha Budi Sejahtera Social Institution, South Kalimantan Province, amounting to 52 people. The sample was 15 people with a purposive sampling technique. Data analysis through Wilcoxon test using 95% confidence level. The results of the study before being given classical music therapy had an average systolic blood pressure of 142 mmHg and after being given classical music therapy the average systolic blood pressure was 124 mmHg. There was an influence between classical music therapy on reducing blood pressure in the elderly with hypertension at the Tresna Werdha Budi Sejahtera Social Institution Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan Province (p value = 0.001). Nurses can provide nursing care interventions to the elderly with hypertension to reduce blood pressure through the provision of classical music.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Classical Music, Blood Pressure, Hypertension</p> 2023-06-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 KnE Medicine Formulation of Green Robust Coffee Bean Extract (Coffee Canephora) in Serum Preparation Using Gelling Agent Hidroxy Propyl Methyl Cellulose 2023-06-23T07:46:18+00:00 Dian Ermawati Uswatun Chasanah Cyndy . <p>Robusta green coffee bean extract (Coffee canephora) contains chlorogenic acid, a polyphenolic compound that functions as an antioxidant. It acts by inactivating the oxidation reaction to prevent free radicals from forming. In this study, robusta green coffee bean extract was made in serum preparations because the serum contains a high concentration of active ingredients. It can immediately overcome skin problems and provide a relaxing effect when applied. This study aimed to determine the effect of varying the levels of extracts of robusta green coffee beans (Coffee canephora) at 2.5%, 5%, and 7.5% on the physical and chemical characteristics (organoleptic, pH, dispersibility, homogeneity and viscosity) and the physical stability in serum preparations with an HPMC 0.5% gelling agent. The study was initiated by making a serum formulation with variations in the level robusta green coffee bean extract levels of 7.5%. Organoleptic and homogeneity tests were observed. The pH, dispersibility, and viscosity tests were analyzed using the One-way Anova data analysis methods. The stability test was carried out using the Freeze-Thaw method. The results of the data before and after the stability test were analyzed using the Paired- Sample T Test. Increasing levels of robusta green coffee bean extract in serum had an effect on the results of the physical and chemical characteristics. The intensity of the color is got sharper, the spreadability increased, while the pH and viscosity decreased. The results of the Freeze-Thaw stability test during the 12 days of storage did not affect the pH value and dispersion. So, preparation was stable and safe for use on the skin.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Robusta green coffee bean extract (Coffee canephora), serum, physicochemical characteristics, and stability.</p> 2023-06-23T06:56:29+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 KnE Medicine