Morphological and Physiological Characteristics of the Representatives of Melilotus Albus and Melilotus Officinalis, Growing on the Territory of Kalmykia


A comparative analysis of leaf blades of two kinds of clover (Melilotus albus, Melilotus officinalis) growing on the territory of Kalmykia has been carried out. Identified diagnostic features in the anatomical structure of the leaves of each species. The parameters of leaf tissue are set. The results of the work give an idea of the degree of plasticity of a characteristic of a leaf plate of two types of clover. Demonstrated features of plates of the same species can be equally, as well as specific for this species, and adaptive variability, due to which the plant has adapted to life in arid conditions. The water regime, indicators of transpiration and productivity of the clover were studied. Changes in physiological parameters were determined before the onset of the summer drought and at its height. The established morphological and physiological characteristics of the two species of clover allow them to be defined as plants that are well adapted to growing under the arid conditions of Kalmykia. The combination of the structural features of the clover with its physiological capabilities, valuable feeding properties and a positive effect on the soil, testifies to the effectiveness of the use of clover in the lean, saline areas of the region. The obtained data can be used in further systematic studies of the genus Melilotus, as well as in planning reclamation measures.

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