Risk Assessment of Work Accidents Among Loading and Unloading Workers at Terminal III (Ocean-going) of the Port of Tanjung Priok


Loading and unloading activities involved in removing and loading goods from ship to port or vice versa are associated with a high risk of work accidents. This loading and unloading activity includes several different processes, such as stevedoring, cargodoring, receiving, and delivery. The aim of this descriptive research study is to identify the risks and hazards associated with loading and unloading processes at Tanjung Priok Port Terminal III. Occupational accident and occupational health hazards data were collected using the HIRA method. Health and safety interventions play a critical role in finding and minimizing or eliminating existing risks, so that port workers can maximize their health and safety at work, and the company can profit maximally
from its workers’ excellent service.

Keywords: loading and unloading, health and safety, Terminal III Port of Tanjung Priok

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