
Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder indicated by hyperglycaemia due to lack of insulin production, insulin activity, or both. It causes oxidative stress that may damage the receptor of Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH) in the pituitary. As the result, Growth Hormone (GH) and Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF­1) production are decreased and glucose uptakes to the cell is inhibited. Aloe vera has a high antioxidant activity. It is possible to counter oxidative stress in unregulated the production of IGF-1. This study aimed to determine the effect of A. vera extracts to the level of IGF-1 from visceral fat tissue Rattus norvegicus wistar diabetes mellitus. This study used 24 R. norvegicus wistar male. R. norvegicus STZ-induced diabetes mellitus
R. norvegicus were grouped into positive control (C+), 30 mg/day, 60 mg/day, 120 mg/day. Fasting blood glucose test was performed to determine the successful induction of diabetes mellitus (DM) three days after induced. Non-DM rats (NDM) were grouped into negative control (C-), 30 mg/day, 60 mg/day, and 120 mg/ day. Each group was consisting of three replications. Each animal, except the controls, were treated 3 ml suspension of A. vera extract for 14 days by gavage. IGF-1 levels were measured using indirect ELISA. The result showed that the extract of A. vera significantly influenced the IGF-1 levels in DM group. The dose of 60 and 120 mg/day significantly raised the level of IGF-1 compared to C+. In NDM group the dose of 60 mg/ day significantly raised the level of IGF-1 compared to C-.

Keywords: Aloe vera, Rattus norvegicus, IGF-1, visceral fat, diabetes mellitus

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