Managing Innovative Work Behavior: The Role of Member-Leader Exchange, Organizational Climate and Psychological Empowerment


In today’s digital era, the existence of innovative work behavior is crucial for an organization. Understanding employee behavior is critical for organizational executives who want to forecast and generate productive staff performance. Leaders must comprehend and know each individual in their organization as part of this proactive practice. The main objective of this study is to determine the contribution of leader-member exchange, organizational climate and psychological empowerment in encouraging innovative work behavior. The sample in this study amounted to 120 respondents who were determined using purposive sampling approach. Data collection used a questionnaire instrument which was then distributed online. Data analysis was conducted using the SPSS application by displaying data processing results through research instrument tests with validity and reliability tests, multiple regression analysis, coefficient of determination, and hypothesis testing. Based on the results of data analysis, it was concluded that the leader-member exchange contributed positively and significantly to innovative work behavior. The results of subsequent studies confirmed that organizational climate contributed positively but not significantly to innovative work behavior. The results of the latest research explained that psychological empowerment contributes positively and significantly to innovative work behavior.

Keywords: Purchase Decision, Ulos Products, Marketing Mix

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