The Effect of Essential Oil Therapy and Lemon on the Care of COVID-19 Patients in Jakarta


Due to the rapid spread of COVID-19, the World Health Organization urges countries to continue their efforts to handle the virus strictly. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on many aspects of Indonesian people’s lives. Almost all sectors, not only health, have been affected, including the economic sector. COVID-19 requires a long treatment time to restore the patient’s health. The average length of treatment for COVID-19 patients at the Koja Jakarta Hospital is 14 days. This study aimed to determine the effect of essential oil therapy and lemon on the length of stay of COVID-19 patients at Koja Hospital in Jakarta in 2021. The research was a quasi-experimental case-control study. The 40 participants were COVID-19 patients treated in the isolation room of the Koja Jakarta Hospital in February 2021. Participants were divided into two groups: 20 for the control group and 20 for the treatment group. Univariate results showed that the majority of COVID-19 patients had a length of stay > 10 days. Essential oil therapy and lemon had no effect on the length of stay (p > 0.05). It is hoped that nurses can find other alternatives to speed up the length of treatment for COVID-19 patients.

Keywords: essential oils therapy and lemon, long treatment for COVID-19 patients

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